Thursday, September 24, 2009

The House Always Wins

George and I spent another night out on the town yesterday. We started by having dinner at one of our favorite hangouts, enjoying the best burgers on the “Strip.” It looks like they have new waiters working at the “Dailies.” My favorite eyecandy, young and hot Jose, is not there anymore. And none of the Russian girls. However, the food is still amazing as ever.

Afterwards we just wandered up and down parts of the famed “Strip.” Most locals hate this part of town and will only come to the “Strip” if absolutely necessary. Like when family or friends are visiting town and want to see what all the fuss is about. George and I like coming to the “Strip” and check out what’s going on in all the casinos. Even though we rarely gamble it’s fun to stroll through the casinos and watch people. Or visit one of the countless restaurants to enjoy a great meal. If shopping is your thing there are plenty of malls on this stretch of road alone. Don’t forget all the concerts, shows, clubs, dancing...the list is endless. Why shouldn’t locals join in on the fun as well?

Incidentally, we saw a bunch of German tourists all over the place. I suppose it helps to become attuned to our upcoming trip to Germany in December. Of course, I couldn’t help myself to make fun of them. But just a wee bit. It’s not like I’m that evil. Außerdem kann ich mir das auch erlauben.

The weather was perfect too. The evenings are finally starting to cool off enough to enjoy the outdoors again. During the heat of summer it just stays hot 24/7. It’s not uncommon for temperatures to still linger below the 100º F mark at 2 o’clock in the morning.

And speaking of gambling, we tried our luck on one of the Wheel of Fortune slot machines. At one point we got our money back and more but eventually lost everything again. As if we didn’t know any better. The house always wins. Always!

Here are some impressions from yesterday evening.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Great pics, as always! Love the trompe d'oeil floor!