Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama

Happy O-Day, world. Barack Obama has just been sworn in as the 44th president of the United States of America.

All the best to him, his family and his team. He'll need all the luck and good fortune in the years ahead.

While I'm typing this I can hear people in the background already mocking him and making cynical comments. What bitter people they are. They won't even try to give Obama a chance to proof himself. It amazes me how many people are still very ignorant and one-sided.

This country still has a lot of obstacles to overcome. I hope for the best. Not only for America but for the whole world. Americans may not realize this, but they've not only voted for the President of the United States, but also for the most powerful leader in the world.

Let's celebrate today and let's be hopeful.

Tomorrow...let's go to work and finally make this a better America, a better world.

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